The Coven is a sacred and magickal community membership for soulful women who meet monthly under the cover of new moon to vision new ways of being, and to magnetise, manifest and embody their desires into reality. Guided by Charlotte in monthly Ceremony, you’ll be held to connect deeply with what’s present and unfolding inside you, so it can be welcomed out in the world.

This is your soulful circle of sisters who are walking the same spiritual path, who we are co-creating a bold, magickal, embodied presence in the world together with. Now is the time to join us, dear one.


If you're craving intimate women's circles as a sacred reminder to come back to deep connection to yourself, to other like-minded souls, and to deepen your practice to honour your cyclical nature around the wheel of the year - now is the time to join a community of magickal women in our Wild Flow Coven. 

The Coven is led by Charlotte Pointeaux, internationally award-winning Menstrual Cycle Coach who passionately guides women to remember and nurture their cyclical nature in life, motherhood and business.
Join Now

Do you struggle with:

  • Feeling isolated in your journey of embodying more cyclical wisdom into your life, because most of your friends, colleagues and family don't really get it? 
  • Wanting to be more present and prioritise time to nurture yourself, do your spiritual practice, and have cup-filling soulful times but you struggle when life feels so full and pulls you in different directions?
  • You find yourself flying through the days, weeks and months without REALLY plugging into intentionality, and crafting a vision for each month, so you feel like life is just happening to you? 
  • You're so tired, drained, depleted and overwhelmed with trying to do life, find time for yourself and see the bigger picture, and despite knowing how important it is to listen to your soul whispers and body's wisdom, you're disconnected from yourself.
  • You're ignoring your very real need for a sacred community of cycle-wise women who can hold you and your sacred visions, where you can be your authentic self, and to have a safe space to drop into when you need, to find inspiration, guidance and belonging, so you're not doing it alone.

Then imagine if...

  • You consistently tap into the New Moon energy to mindfully end one cycle and vision the new inside a sacred online circle with me, so you always have a chance to come home to yourself and be supported no matter how busy life gets.,
  • You're tapped into the changing seasons of the year as a mirror of your own inner cyclical nature, and receive cycle wisdom teachings, rituals/practices, a meditation and more.
  • You're held by a coven of inspiring, aligned women to be your most magickal self, to dream, vision, manifest and celebrate yourself, your wins, your progress and each other! Your monthly dose of oxytocin awaits...
  • You're powerfully connected to your body and womb, so you're able to tap into a deep well of self-trust, confidence, and your intuition. From here, decisions and actions unfold easefully - because you're living your truth.
  • You deepen your own knowledge of how you experience each phase of your own cycle as it changes, and are guided to live more deeply aligned with the seasons, cycles and your intentions.
  • You're solid in your feminine flow: not thrown by seemingly 'random' energy drops, mood swings, or mindset wobbles because you understand how the menstrual cycle comes in and out of balance on you energetically, emotionally, mentally and physically.

How would more empowered would you feel!

The Coven is for you if you know that cyclical living, and listening to your body is essential to thriving in your way of living, working, and relating.


It's for you if you love moon magick, the cycle mysteries, intimate sisterhood, and live intimate connection where sharing, reflection, and inner exploration is front and centre. 

The Coven is the space for you if you're dedicated to continuing to learn about yourself, about what your menstrual cycle and rites of passages illuminates about your light and shadows, and if you know there is always more to learn, uncover, heal and reclaim. 

This space is for the beginners and well-initiated alike, because as we know, our experiences of the cycles always changes, month to month, year to year, as its a mirror of who we are as well as the world around us.
So whether you're newly learning about cycle awareness and want to learn tools and wisdom to help you connect to and honour your inner seasons - or if you're well acquainted and long for a sacred circle to share, listen, reflect and embody your experiences - THIS IS IT! 

Wild Flow Coven Founding Membership includes: 


✓ Monthly live online women's circle near the New Moon. We'll attune to the Seasonal energies and how that influences the corresponding phase of your menstrual cycle, giving you tools and reflections to support yourself across your cycle. Set a powerful new moon intention for each lunar cycle ahead, guided and held by the energies at play. 

✓ Monthly guided meditation. Each month I take you on a guided shamanic journey into the deeper and unseen realms to drop you deeply into your body, womb and cyclical experience, to receive a vision for the new moon cycle ahead.

✓ Monthly journal prompts to anchor into your experience of your cycle, and 

✓ Community space for your own sharing and connection between live calls.

✓ BONUS: get FREE access to my short course Find Your Flow worth $222 giving you a solid foundation of knowledge of the seasons of the cycle and how to work with them! 


Can't make it live? You'll receive access to the full library of all previous call recordings, meditations, cycle wisdom and intention setting guides for each month to luxuriate in at your comfort. 

By joining now you'll retain this special pricing for the lifetime of your membership.


Does this sound like the sacred space for you? Yes? Then join us!


Join now before our next New Moon Circle!

Save $$$ when you become a Founding Member of The Wild Flow Coven this month! 


Choose your membership term below.


Secure your low-cost Membership at just $75 AUD per month (full) or $45 supported rate for the lifetime of your membership by joining above! What’s more, you’ll receive free enrolment into my in-depth cycle wisdom course FInd Your Flow worth $222 alone! Complimentary with your membership.

what women say about being in circle with me


Charlotte’s circles give me space to hit the pause button on life and tune in to myself .... my feelings, thoughts, needs, hopes, fears and dreams. I always leave feeling relaxed, lighter, balanced, hopeful and most importantly, connected - to my inner-self, the other women in circle and the divine power of sisterhood that comes with honest sharing.


I felt so held and supported by Charlotte and the incredible circle of women she brought in. I felt I could be vulnerable, raw, open and my true self. I loved being a part of this magical circle, it changed how I see my own creativity and how I approach it. Just a big thank you Charlotte, you held such an incredible space.


It's so wonderful to be surrounded by amazing women all sharing the same desire to connect. It's a break from routine, a safe space to share stories, dreams, desires, and beautiful rituals to delight over. I feel very honoured to be at the beginning of this wonderful circle journey and I’m ready to dive in next month! Thank you. 

The Details:

  • Live circles will be held near the New Moon with dates and times scheduled at least 1 month in advance. Call days will vary. Recordings and resources will be available if you cannot attend live.
  • All Members receive complimentary access to Find Your Flow  (my on-demand cycle-wisdom course) worth $222 for free for the duration of your membership.
  • Get 2 months free when you pay upfront for 12 months.
  • Pay monthly option is $75 AUD monthly
  • Retain your Membership pricing for the lifetime of your membership until cancelled.
  • All fees are in AUD and include GST for Australian residents.
  • Cancellation can be made at anytime but refunds are not available.