

I'm Charlotte, internationally award-winning menstrual cycle coach and priestess


I guide women through the deeply transformational journey of reclaiming their power, pleasure and purpose through the portal and wisdom of the menstrual cycle and rites of passages, so you can embody and express your wild feminine magick in the world as the multifaceted woman you are, in the realms of business, motherhood and personal empowerment.

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Embrace and nourish your menstrual cycle in our Wild Flow Coven membership

A sacred and magickal community membership for soulful women who meet monthly under the cover of new moon to vision new ways of being, and to magnetise, manifest and embody their desires into reality. Guided by Charlotte in monthly Ceremony, you’ll be held to connect deeply with what’s present and unfolding inside you, so it can be welcomed out in the world.

This is your soulful circle of sisters who are walking the same spiritual path, who we are co-creating a bold, magickal, embodied presence in the world together with. Now is the time to join us, dear one.

Join Now

Or learn with me


Find Your Flow


Learn to get the best from the seasons of your menstrual cycle for a happier and healthier flow, and more menstrual magick! Self-paced foundation course with lessons, workbooks and more!


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Making HerStory


Explore your womb’s story and rites of passages, so you can reclaim your body, your cycle, and ultimately your personal power. Self-paced inner healing journey featuring nurturing activities, healing rituals, meditations and more?

View Course

Cycle Sorcery


Tap into your body's power & cyclical wisdom to grow your soulful business. A four month guided journey with embodiment, creativity, shamanic journey and ritual practices.



Let’s get to it!


be initiated into your body's power, cyclical nature and big magick as a sacred leader



"It was grounding, magical, creative, healing, loving and connective. I got more in touch with my body and my creative process cyclically. I felt so held and supported by Charlotte and the incredible circle of women she brought in. I felt I could be vulnerable, raw, open and my true self. I loved being a part of this magical circle, it changed how I see my own creativity and how I approach it. Just a big thank you Charlotte, you held such an incredible space.”


Addy Buck

send my 2 free cycle guides!
‘a guide to your menstrual cycle’ PLUS '12 magickal cycle rituals'
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Success! Go check your emails, have fun, its flow time baby!