

I'm Charlotte, internationally award-winning wild feminine embodiment coach and priestess

I midwife and initiate women to remember, reclaim and embody their authentic power and sovereignty, to live, love and lead from their sacred feminine energy and body's wisdom. 

If you're stepping into your wild woman era to show up powerfully and confidently in your full magick, it's time to shed the weight of what keeps you small so you  can show up fully expressed and embodied. 

Welcome home to your  sacred feminine power. Welcome to the wild side.​

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Honour your sacred bleed with my guided ceremony for your period


Are you feeling the call to more deeply honour your period, and cultivate your intuitive powers that became accessible to you during your bleed?

In Blood Magick I guide you through your own ceremony to journey with your inner wisdom to find sharper clarity about your way forward in life, to hear the voice of your womb, to reclaim and celebrate your moon blood, and to manifest with your body's wise wisdom.


group programs

Rising Sacred: Mastermind


An exclusive cocoon of transformation, a mastermind for rising magickal, sacred, feminine leaders bring forth your genius, and create a flowing business that supports and sustains you to step fully into your authentic power and to create your sustainable sacred business. 

Apply now

Cycle Sorcery: cyclical embodiment 


Tap into your body's power & cyclical wisdom to journey deep into the shamanic dimensions of the menstrual cycle, and the seasons and cycles of earth, moon and your creative expression. A four month guided journey with embodiment, creativity, shamanic journey and ritual practices so you can awaken and work with the four cyclical archetypes as an embodied guide for yourself and others. 


mini courses


Feminine Business Framework Masterclass


Going way beyond simple cycle-syncing, my cyclical archetypes framework teaches you to master your cyclical strengths and gifts in running your business more effectively and in flow with your own energy, as well as highlighting your blind spots which are slowing you down. 



Making HerStory: womb healing journey


Explore your womb’s story and rites of passages, so you can reclaim your body, your cycle, and ultimately your personal power. Self-paced inner healing journey featuring nurturing activities, healing rituals, meditations and more?



Find Your Flow: sacred cycle wisdom course 


Learn to get the best from the seasons of your menstrual cycle for a happier and healthier flow, and more menstrual magick! Self-paced foundation course with lessons, workbooks and more!



"It was grounding, magical, creative, healing, loving and connective. I got more in touch with my body and my creative process cyclically. I felt so held and supported by Charlotte and the incredible circle of women she brought in. I felt I could be vulnerable, raw, open and my true self. I loved being a part of this magical circle, it changed how I see my own creativity and how I approach it. Just a big thank you Charlotte, you held such an incredible space.”


Addy Buck

tune into the wisdom of your womb with guided meditations and rituals
get instant access plus moontime wisdom from me
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